Instructional Technology

Student working on computer

The HCPS instructional technology department supports teachers, staff, and students in choosing and effectively integrating technology when appropriate into the learning environment. Appropriate use of technology promotes critical thinking, creativity, communication, collaboration, and digital citizenship. This is accomplished through professional learning opportunities, training sessions, and coaching led by a team of instructional technology resource teachers (ITRTs).

Instructional Approach

The instructional technology department uses a blended learning approach to integrate technology into instruction. Blended learning is a combination of online and face to face instruction that gives students some control over path, place, and pace. Benefits of blended learning include increased student engagement, expanded opportunities for differentiation, and allows more flexibility for teachers to create rich learning environments.

Guiding Standards

Approved Instructional Resources

Hanover County Public Schools provides students access to various online resources to support blended learning instruction. These services are carefully selected by teachers/administration and undergo a review process before being used with students in the classroom. Some services require the creation of student accounts in order to take full advantage of the features of the service. A listing of approved online instructional resources can be found here. This list is updated as applications complete the approval process and may not include applications being used as part of a pilot, approved with special conditions, or those that have not yet been submitted by staff for official review. Please contact your student’s teacher for a specific list of online resources being used in their classroom.

Related Links


Heather Causey, Instructional Technology Specialist

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