HCPS to Launch ParentSquare

HCPS to Launch New, Modern Communications System in 2024-25 School Year
Posted on 08/05/2024
ParentSquare - Get ConnectedAugust 2024 Reminder:

Dear Families,

We hope you had a great weekend. We are writing to remind you of our usage of ParentSquare for the 2024-25 school year.

As you know, we are now using this modern and easy-to-use platform for school- and division-wide emails, text messages, and phone calls (including transportation and attendance notifications). The eConnect system has been discontinued.

As we (HCPS) and our schools share important information in advance of the school year, we would like to strongly encourage you to review the following by clicking “My Account” under your name in the top right corner:

- Your language settings: ParentSquare communications automatically translate to your preferred language.
- Your notification settings: Select how you would like to receive messages from your school (via email, text, and/or app notifications). The digest setting allows all non-urgent school communications to be sent to you at the end of the day beginning at 6 p.m. rather than instantly throughout the day.

We also highly recommend that you download the ParentSquare app (App Store | Google Play).

The HCPS ParentSquare webpage offers additional information about this exciting new platform. If you have any ParentSquare questions, please email us at [email protected].

Thank you.

Hanover County Public Schools

July 2024 Update:

Dear Families, Faculty, and Staff,

We hope you are having a wonderful summer. We are writing today with an exciting and important update regarding our new communications platform. Please read this time-sensitive message carefully to help ensure you receive messages and alerts from our schools and school division for the upcoming school year.

As we shared with you this spring, beginning this school year, we will use ParentSquare, a unified communications platform that is designed to keep families informed in a simple, accessible, and engaging way. We will use this modern and easy-to-use platform beginning on Monday, July 22 for school- and division-wide emails, text messages, and phone calls (including transportation and attendance notifications) as we discontinue our current eConnect system.

Please note that invitations to ParentSquare will be sent today in a separate email to staff and family members who have custody of an HCPS student – as marked in PowerSchool – using their preferred email address and phone number that is listed in PowerSchool. Here are the easy steps once you have received the invitation email (sent separately):

1) Open the invitation email. Click Activate your account or tap the link to activate your account.
2) Create a Password for your ParentSquare account and click Register.
Click Confirm for your phone number and/or email. A verification code will be sent to the email or phone number.
3) Enter the verification code to confirm.
4) Confirm your child(ren) by clicking Confirm. Use Not My Child if a child listed is not associated with your account.
5) Select Yes, This is Me when you have confirmed your contact information and child(ren) associated with your account.

Once you have activated your account, we urge you to review the following by clicking “My Account” under your name in the top right corner:

- Your language settings: ParentSquare communications automatically translate to your preferred language.
- Your notification settings: Select how you would like to receive messages from your school (via email, text, and/or app notifications). The digest setting allows all non-urgent school communications to be sent to you at the end of the day beginning at 6 p.m. rather than instantly throughout the day.

We also highly recommend that you download the ParentSquare app (App Store | Google Play).

For more information, we have created this webpage to serve as our home for information related to ParentSquare.

Thank you.

Hanover County Public Schools

Original April 2024 Message:

Dear Families,

We hope you had a great weekend. We are writing to share with you exciting news that we believe will significantly improve school-to-home communication for your school and the entire school division.

Beginning in the 2024-25 school year, Hanover County Public Schools will use ParentSquare, a unified communications platform that is designed to keep families informed in a simple, accessible, and engaging way. The purpose of ParentSquare is to provide a more modern, easy-to-use, and one-stop-shop for families where you can receive communication from HCPS, our schools, and – beginning in the 2025-26 school year – your student’s classroom. In the first phase, beginning next school year, we will use ParentSquare for school- and division-wide emails, text messages, and phone calls, discontinuing our current eConnect system this summer.

The goal and benefit of this new system is to provide one centralized place for families to communicate with our schools. ParentSquare has been successfully implemented in hundreds of school divisions across the country. This spring, we have successfully piloted ParentSquare at Pearson’s Corner Elementary School, Bell Creek Middle School, and Patrick Henry High School, and the feedback has been very positive!

ParentSquare offers a robust mobile app, automatic translation, the option to receive a daily digest to minimize notifications/emails throughout the day, and more. Here is a helpful video for you to watch for an overview of this new system. Please note that while ParentSquare has many offerings, including classroom communication, calendar, and more, HCPS will be using only school-wide communications during this phase.

What comes next? Over the summer, you will receive an activation email for your ParentSquare account. Simply activate your account and you will begin receiving important notifications for your school(s), be able to manage your account and settings, and take part in this exciting new system. It is important to note that ParentSquare automatically generates an account for those who have custody – as marked in PowerSchool – using their preferred email address and phone number that is listed in PowerSchool. Please review your student’s information and your contact information to ensure it is accurate.

We recognize that you may have additional questions about this new system. We have created this webpage to serve as our home for information related to ParentSquare.

We hope that you will join us in our excitement for the launch of this modern, convenient, and more user-friendly system. If you have any questions about ParentSquare, please email [email protected].

Thank you.

Hanover County Public Schools


Estimadas familias:

Esperamos que hayan tenido un gran fin de semana. Les escribimos para compartirles estas emocionantes noticias que creemos mejorarán de manera significativa la comunicación entre la escuela y el hogar, tanto para su escuela como para toda la división escolar.

A partir del año escolar 2024-25, las Escuelas Públicas del Condado de Hanover usaremos ParentSquare, una plataforma de comunicación unificada diseñada para mantener a las familias informadas en una forma sencilla, accesible y colaborativa. El propósito de ParentSquare es darle a las familias un sitio moderno, fácil de usar e integrado dónde podrán recibir comunicaciones de HCPS, de nuestras escuelas y, a partir del año escolar 2025-26, del salón de su hijo/a. En la primera fase, que comenzará el próximo año escolar, usaremos ParentSquare para los correos electrónicos, mensajes de texto y llamadas telefónicas a nivel de la escuela y de la división escolar, y nuestro sistema actual eConnect será dado de baja este verano.

El objetivo y el beneficio de este nuevo sistema es proveer un punto único centralizado para que las familias se comuniquen con nuestras escuelas. ParentSquare ha sido implementado exitosamente en cientos de divisiones escolares de nuestro país. Esta primavera llevamos a cabo pruebas piloto que resultaron exitosas en la Escuela Primaria Pearson’s Corner, la Escuela Intermedia Bell Creek y la Escuela Secundaria Patrick Henry, ¡y los comentarios han sido muy positivos!

ParentSquare incluye una aplicación móvil completa, servicio de traducción automática, la opción de recibir un resumen diario para minimizar el número de notificaciones o correos electrónicos enviados a lo largo del día, y mucho más. En este video de ayuda podrá ver las generalidades del nuevo sistema. Recuerde que, aunque ParentSquare le ofrece muchas funciones, incluyendo la comunicación con el salón de su hijo/a, el calendario y mucho más, HCPS únicamente usará las comunicaciones a nivel escolar durante esta fase.

¿Qué vendrá después? Durante el verano, recibirá un correo electrónico para activar su cuenta de ParentSquare. Simplemente deberá activar su cuenta y a partir de ahí comenzará a recibir notificaciones importantes de su escuela, podrá configurar su cuenta y sus ajustes, y participar en este increíble nuevo sistema. Es importante destacar que ParentSquare genera automáticamente una cuenta para quienes tienen la custodia, tal y como figura en PowerSchool, usando la dirección de correo electrónico y el número de teléfono preferidos que aparecen en PowerSchool. Por favor, revise la información de su hijo/a y su información de contacto para garantizar que sean exactas.

Entendemos que podría tener más preguntas acerca de este nuevo sistema. Hemos creado esta página de Internet para compartir información relacionada con ParentSquare.

Esperamos que nos acompañe en el emocionante lanzamiento de este sistema moderno, conveniente y más amigable con el usuario. Si tiene alguna pregunta acerca de ParentSquare, envíe un correo electrónico a [email protected].


Escuelas Públicas del Condado de Hanover
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