The Department of Transportation is responsible for routing buses in a manner that maximizes safety and efficiency. We routinely conduct evaluations of bus stops and routes, therefore bus stops and bus routes are subject to changes and adjustments as determined by the department. The safety of all school bus stops are evaluated with the understanding that the parent/guardian (or other adult) will provide age-appropriate supervision for their student(s) at the bus stop.
To augment both safety and efficiency, buses are routed so that they travel down main roads when servicing neighborhoods. Bus stops are located so that students can be picked up and dropped off at centralized locations, which are at corners or intersections whenever possible. Ride times for students are shorter if buses are kept on the main arterial and avoid traveling down side streets.
Bus routes are established under the direction of the Superintendent and in accordance with recommendations and guidance of the Transportation Department and the Virginia Department of Education.
Walking Distances to Bus Stops
The Department of Transportation attempts to minimize student walk distances from bus stops while maximizing bus use. Some bus stop locations will require students to walk in residential areas along and across streets, with or without sidewalks. Elementary students’ distances to bus stops can extend up to .3 of a mile, under ideal conditions. Secondary students’ distances to bus stops can extend up to .5 of a mile, under ideal conditions. Certain conditions may necessitate students to walk greater distances. These distances are measured by public roads and do not include any private lane or walkway of the child's residence. In all cases, bus stop locations are dependent upon roadway conditions and accessibility. Students in special programs are subject to different design criteria.
Bus Stop / Bus Route Criteria
Bus routes are created to enhance student safety while maximizing vehicle efficiency. Stops are not placed on dead end streets whenever possible to minimize bus accidents while backing up (backing up is a very dangerous maneuver for a school bus). Stops are spread as far apart as criteria will allow in order to decrease the number of stops each bus will make on its route, thus minimizing riding time for the students.
- The student must live on a state or county maintained road with adequate space for the bus to - turn around.
- The road must be wide enough for the bus and another vehicle to pass.
- Some bus stop locations will require students to walk in residential areas along and across streets, with or without sidewalks. Elementary students’ distances to bus stops can extend up to .3 of a mile, under ideal conditions. Secondary students’ distances to bus stops can extend up to .5 of a mile, under ideal conditions. Certain conditions may necessitate that students walk greater distances.
- Whenever possible, bus stops will be located at the nearest corner or intersection to the student’s home. Stopping at corners or intersections is generally safer due to the expectations of traffic. Bus stops are required to be at least 100/200 feet apart (depending on the roadway’s posted speed limit). The stop must comply with VDOT’s standards for visibility and must be legal based on the Code of Virginia § 46.2-893.
- § 46.2-893. Stopping on highways to discharge cargo or passengers; school buses. No truck or bus, except a school bus, shall be stopped wholly or partially on the traveled portion of any highway outside of cities and towns for the purpose of taking on or discharging cargo or passengers unless the operator cannot leave the traveled portion of the highway with safety. A school bus may be stopped on the traveled portion of the highway when taking on or discharging school children, but these stops shall be made only at points where the bus can be clearly seen for a safe distance from both directions.
- Students are assigned to a particular bus route and can only change buses with the approval of the Transportation Department. Students must get on and get off from their assigned bus at selected bus stops
- Students must ride the same bus every day. Bus routes are developed based on the number of students living in a specified area and on counts of students who have previously ridden the bus from that area. If students who do not live in a bus route area ride the bus, the result may be overcrowding of a bus or under utilization of a bus in another area. Safe, cost efficient bus service depends on riders consistently riding the same bus.
- If a regular education bus stop is not active for a two-week period, the stop will be discontinued until the Transportation Department is notified of a request for bus stop services.
- The division reserves the right to modify student bus assignments, bus routes and pick-up/drop-off times.
- Generally, buses will not travel down cul-de-sacs because backing a school bus to turn around can be a safety threat to small children and property. A full sized bus needs 115 feet to safely turn around without having to back-up and the average cul-de-sac is only 90 feet. Also, individual stops at all homes would add considerable time to a bus route.
Bus Stop Safety
Making decisions about where school bus stops will be placed requires balancing various conditions in conjunction with complying with state and local laws. To augment both safety and efficiency, buses are routed so that they travel down main roads when servicing neighborhoods. Bus stops are located so that students can be picked up and dropped off at centralized locations, which are at corners or intersections whenever possible. Ride times for students are shorter if buses are kept on the main arterial and avoid traveling down side streets.
The Transportation Department attempts to minimize student walk distances from bus stops while maximizing bus use. Some bus stop locations will require students to walk in residential areas along and across streets, with or without sidewalks. Elementary students’ distances to bus stops can extend up to .3 of a mile, under ideal conditions. Secondary students’ distances to bus stops can extend up to .5 of a mile, under ideal conditions. Certain conditions may necessitate students to walk greater distances. These distances are measured by public roads and do not include any private lane or walkway of the child's residence. In all cases, bus stop locations are dependent upon roadway conditions and accessibility.
The Code of Virginia and the Virginia Administrative Code, in part, requires bus stops to meet certain criteria. In addition, the Transportation Department uses criteria from the Virginia Department of Transportation as a standard for evaluating stop visibility.
Parents and guardians are responsible to make sure their students are waiting at the assigned bus stop at least ten (10) minutes before the scheduled pick-up time at the bus stop. Drivers will not wait for students who are tardy. Safe travels to and from the assigned bus stop is the responsibility of the parent or guardian, when the student is not under the care or custody of a school official.
Cul-De-Sacs and Bus Travel
Buses, typically are not routed to travel down cul-de-sacs, courts, or dead end roadways. Although areas may allow enough room to turn around there are many instances when parked vehicles, delivery vehicles, or any situation out of the ordinary that places the bus driver in a position to have to travel in reverse, which is limited.
The school divisions’ standard for travel in a cul-de-sac is that the street must be longer than .3 miles one-way for elementary schools and .5 miles for high school and middle school students.
Even if the cul-de-sac is longer than the aforementioned distance one-way there must also be enough room to turn the bus around safely. This standard is applied across the division. Special education students are subject to special criteria.
This standard helps the division to ensure the safest bus routes possible, while still allowing for the most reasonably efficient busing system for the school division. Despite the concerns about the distance a child must walk to the bus stop, as well as issues that might prevent seeing a child at the bus stop, division standards must be applied equitably for all students.
Please remember, it is the parent's responsibility to ensure the safety of the child to and from the bus stop.
Bus Stop Rules
Students and parents are to respect the property where the bus stops are located. Individuals are not to damage or vandalize the property where the bus stops are located. Failure to comply may result in a loss of riding privileges.
Find My Bus Stop
We are in the process of finalizing bus routes for the 2024-25 school year. We expect routes, schedules, and bus assignment information specific to your child to be available in the Parent Portal of PowerSchool starting on Monday, August 12. This will include bus numbers, pickup locations, and pickup times.
If you have questions, you can contact the Transportation Department: Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at 804-365-6520.
Please note that this web resource allows you to look for the bus stop closest to your home address. Information specific to your child’s bus stop and bus assignment can be found in the Parent Portal of PowerSchool.
2024–2025 Shuttle Schedules