School Bus Rules

School Bus

It is important that students know, understand, and follow all bus rules. The safety of their passengers is always the school bus driver’s priority. Those rules assist in the bus driver’s ability to focus on the roadway and monitor traffic conditions.

Administrators and others with disciplinary authority, including teachers and bus drivers, have the responsibility to enforce all school board policies and regulations.

Riding a school bus is a privilege. Violations of standards set forth in the Code of Student Conduct for students riding on a school bus or in any other type of school vehicle will be cause for a referral to a school administrator and shall result in appropriate disciplinary penalties. School buses are considered school board property, and students who fail to meet the expectations of the Code of Student Conduct may have their riding privileges revoked for a specified time or permanently.

Students who become a serious discipline problem on the school bus or vehicle or who consistently demonstrate inappropriate behavior shall have their riding privileges suspended by the principal and may be subject to additional consequences as appropriate. In such cases, the parents/guardians of the suspended student shall be responsible for transporting their child to and from school. The drivers of school vehicles have the authority and responsibility to maintain order and safe conditions while transporting students. The school board or a principal may invoke disciplinary measures for any misconduct which, by common understanding, would be considered detrimental to the safety of any passenger or driver of a school vehicle.

In addition, the following rules must be followed by all passengers on a school bus or in any school vehicle:

  • Show respect for fellow students and the driver.
  • Respect the property rights of all passengers and driver of the vehicle.
  • Follow directions the first time they are given.
  • Keep all objects and themselves inside the bus.
  • Refrain from throwing objects.
  • Stay in their seats while the bus is in motion.
  • Refrain from cursing, swearing, talking loudly, or teasing.
  • Refrain from pushing, shoving, or fighting.
  • Refrain from littering or damaging the bus.
  • Refrain from eating or drinking.
  • Meet all expectations stated in the Code of Student Conduct.
  • Bring on the bus no large objects such as athletics equipment, large musical instruments, or projects for class. Small musical instruments and athletic equipment that can be held on the lap without blocking the aisle are permissible.
  • The possession and/or use of tobacco products or vapor products by students on a school bus, on school property, or at a school-sponsored activity is strictly prohibited.

Students are subject to corrective action for any misconduct that occurs in a school bus, school vehicle or at the bus stop.

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