Pre-K – 2nd Grade

School bus

The Transportation Department believes that the school bus ride is an important part of each student’s day. We also believe that our department plays an integral part in supporting the learning successes of each student. We remain focused on the safety and security of each rider. Please read the school transportation safety information below.

Preschool/Hanover Preschool Initiative Students

Preschool/Hanover Preschool Initiative students must be met and received by an authorized adult whenever a student is received from or discharged at the designated school bus stop. In the event that the parent, guardian, or authorized adult for the student is not at the designated school bus stop, the student will be returned to the school. Each student will be supplied a green book bag tag. Please affix this tag to your student’s book bag. The green tag will allow transportation staff to readily identify your student as a preschool student.

Kindergarten or Primary Grade Level (Kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd) Students

Kindergarten, first, and second grade students must be met and received by an adult whenever a student is discharged at the designated school bus stop. In the event that the parent or guardian for the student is not at the designated school bus, the student will be returned to the school.

Each kindergarten through 2nd grade student will be supplied a red book bag tag. Please affix this tag to your student’s book bag. The red tag will allow transportation staff to identify kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd grade students.

School Bus Stop Safety Rules

  • Never allow a child or student to run towards, behind, away from, or after a stopped or moving school bus. The student should cautiously walk towards or away from a stopped school bus.
  • Instruct students to stop, look, and listen for possible dangers prior to crossing any roadway or approaching/exiting the school bus. 
  • Teach and instruct children or students to alert an adult when any item is dropped around any vehicle, including a school bus. 
  • Supervise children to make sure they arrive at the stop at least five minutes before the assigned pickup time. 
  • Direct children not to play or stand too close to a road or in the roadway. 
  • Contact our Transportation Department when hazardous conditions exist at a bus stop.
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