Immunizations for 7th and 12th Grade Students

Required Immunizations for 7th and 12th Grade Students
Posted on 08/31/2021
HCPS LogoAugust 31, 2021 Update:

Dear Families of 7th and 12th Grade Students,

We hope you are off to a good start this week. We are writing today with an important update regarding required immunizations for seventh and twelfth grade students.

To help ensure all of our students receive the required immunizations before the start of the school year, as detailed below, we are partnering with the Hanover Health Department to hold two clinics later this week to give students who have yet to receive the required immunizations the opportunity to do so. The clinics will be held as follows:

- Thursday, September 2: 2-6 p.m. at Oak Knoll Middle School
- Friday, September 3: 2-6 p.m. at Liberty Middle School

Please complete this request form (Spanish version) to register for one of the clinics. Additionally, you must bring your child’s immunization record to the clinic.

Please note that students under the age of 18 must have an adult present to receive the vaccine.

As we have shared with you recently, there are new immunization guidelines and a new state law in place that require the following:

- Seventh grade students must have a booster dose of the Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis vaccine, also known as TDAP, and the first dose of the meningitis A vaccine.
- Seniors must have a dose of the meningitis A vaccine after the age of 16. If your twelfth grader received their first dose at age 11, they still need a booster dose of the meningitis A vaccine at 16 years of age or older.

Written proof of your child’s immunizations, which can be obtained directly from your medical provider and should include your child’s full name and date of birth, the date of vaccination, and the medical provider’s signature, must be provided to your child’s school before the first day of school.

If you have questions about this new requirement, please contact the Chickahominy Health District at 804-365-3240 or your school nurse.

Thank you.


Estimadas familias de estudiantes de 7º y 12º grado,

Esperamos que hayan tenido un gran fin de semana. Estamos escribiendo hoy con una actualización importante con respecto a las vacunas requeridas para los estudiantes de séptimo y duodécimo grado.

Para ayudar a garantizar que todos/as nuestros/as estudiantes reciban las vacunas requeridas antes del inicio del año escolar, como se detalla a continuación, nos estamos acompañando con el Departamento de Salud de Hanover para realizar dos clínicas a finales de esta semana para dar la oportunidad de hacerlo a aquellos estudiantes que aún no han recibido las vacunas requeridas. Las clínicas se llevarán a cabo de la siguiente manera:

- Jueves, 2 de septiembre: 2-6 p.m. en la Escuela Intermedia Oak Knoll
- Viernes, 3 de septiembre: 2-6 p.m. en la Escuela Intermedia Liberty

Por favor complete este formulario de solicitud (versión en español) para registrarse en una de las clínicas. Además, debe llevar el registro de vacunación de su hijo/a a la clínica.

Tenga en cuenta que los estudiantes menores de 18 años deben tener un adulto presente para recibir la vacuna.

Como hemos compartido con usted recientemente, hay nuevas reglas de inmunización y una nueva ley estatal que requieren lo siguiente:

- Los estudiantes de séptimo grado deben tener una dosis de refuerzo de la vacuna contra el Tétanos, la difteria y la tos ferina, también conocida como TDAP, y la primera dosis de la vacuna contra la meningitis A.
- Los estudiantes de duodécimo grado deben tener una dosis de la vacuna contra la meningitis A después de los 16 años. Si su hijo/a de duodécimo grado recibió su primera dosis a los 11 años, todavía necesita una dosis de refuerzo de la vacuna contra la meningitis A a los 16 años o mayor.

Pruebas escritas de las vacunaciones de su hijo/a, los que se pueden obtener directamente de su proveedor médico y deben incluir el nombre completo y la fecha de nacimiento de su hijo/a, la fecha de vacunación y la firma del proveedor médico, deben ser entregadas a la escuela de su hijo/a antes del primer día de clases.

Si tiene preguntas sobre este nuevo requisito, comuníquese con el Distrito de Salud de Chickahominy al 804-365-3240 o con la/el enfermera/o de su escuela.


Original Message:

Dear Families of 7th and 12th Grade Students,

The health, safety, and well-being of our students and staff is our top priority every day. To help achieve this, it is vitally important that students receive the necessary immunizations as required for seventh and twelfth grades. As a result, please note the following:

Rising Seventh Grade Students

Hanover County Public Schools and the Virginia Department of Health have new immunization guidelines. The vaccine requirements are mandatory at the start of the 2021-22 school year for all rising seventh grade students, both face-to-face and virtual. The required vaccinations are as follows:

1) A booster dose of the Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis (Tdap) vaccine
2) First dose of the meningococcal conjugate vaccine (MenACWY)
3) Optional: You may also wish to discuss the HPV vaccine with your child’s healthcare provider as well.

Parents are required to provide documentation of your child’s immunizations to your school nurse prior to the first day of school.

Rising Seniors

In 2020, the General Assembly passed House Bill 1090 that requires Virginia's immunizations to align with the recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices. In accordance with this law, all students entering their senior year are required to have a dose of the meningococcal conjugate vaccine (MenACWY) after the age of 16. If your student received their first dose at age 11, they still need a booster at 16 years of age or older.

Please note that you are required to provide documentation of your child's booster MenACQY shot to your child's school nurse or front office staff. The documentation must have your child's full name, date of birth, the date the vaccine was given, and your health care provider must sign it. The school must have proof of this vaccination by the start of the 2021-22 school year for both face-to-face and virtual students.

You may obtain the immunization from your doctor, a military clinic, or the Hanover Health Department located at 12312 Washington Highway in Ashland. Various medical clinics and pharmacies in the area also offer these vaccinations. If you choose the Hanover Health Department option, you will be required to provide your insurance card, if you have insurance coverage. Vaccines are often limited, and you must make an appointment to schedule a vaccination by calling (804) 365-4313.

If you have questions about this new requirement, please contact the Chickahominy Health District at 804-365-3240 or your school nurse. Thank you.

Hanover County Public Schools
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