Vision Alignment

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The heart of the Digital Learning Initiative lies within the the Long-Range Educational Technology Plan presented to the school board in May of 2019. The four goals of the Long-range Educational Technology Plan support the goals established for the Profile of a Hanover Graduate and the Virginia Department of Education’s 5c’s.

Goal 1: Learning

Promote and support student personalized, deeper learning experiences to demonstrate workplace readiness by creatively solving complex problems, thinking critically, collaborating, communicating, and demonstrating responsible citizenship.

Goal 2: Teaching

Promote and support current and emerging technology-based resources that support educators in developing and employing innovative strategies and practices to support student-centric learning models to increase quality of education and equity for students.

Goal 3: Leadership

Promote leadership that supports deeper learning experiences for students and innovative instructional practices by educators through the use of technology.

Goal 4: Infrastructure

Promote and support a secure and robust technology infrastructure to support access, adequacy, and equity.

Learn more about how The Digital Learning Initiative aligns to Hanover’s mission and vision.

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