What is Blended Learning?
While many variations of the definition of blended learning exist, Hanover County Public Schools has decided to define blended learning as the “combination of online and face to face instruction that gives students some control over path, place, and pace.” A common misconception about blended learning is that it’s primary focus is 1:1 access to devices. While increased access to devices usually occurs at the same time as the adoption of a blended learning approach to instruction, a device is not the main focus, but rather a tool to make blended learning possible.
A Blended Learning Classroom Environment
What does a blended learning classroom environment look like? In a blended learning classroom you will see a variety of instructional approaches. This could be students working individually, in small groups, or as a large group. You might see traditional paper/pencil activities or live, online interactions. The teacher could be facilitating multiple classroom activities or delivering direct instruction. In other words, the teacher will provide students with a myriad of opportunities that are the most appropriate way to consume content and demonstrate their learning while focusing on making the most efficient use of their time together. Variety and choice are prevalent features of a blended learning environment. It is truly a blend of the best of face-to-face instruction with the best of engaging online instruction.
Blended Learning Resources
Linked below are some resources to explore to gain a better understanding of blended learning and how it benefits teachers and students.
- Blended Learning from Edutopia: A collection of articles and videos describing the different aspects of blended learning and technology integration.
- Blended Learning Universe: A resource that describes the basics of blended learning along with different models of classroom instruction that teachers may use.
Approved Online Instructional Resources
Hanover County Public Schools provides students access to various online resources to support blended learning instruction. These services are carefully selected by teachers/administration and undergo a review process before being used with students in the classroom. Some services require the creation of student accounts in order to take full advantage of the features of the service. A listing of approved online instructional resources can be found here. This list is updated as applications complete the approval process and may not include applications being used as part of a pilot, approved with special conditions, or those that have not yet been submitted by staff for official review. Please contact your student’s teacher for a specific list of online resources being used in their classroom.