Hanover County Online School: Application Process for the 2024–2025 School Year
Thank you for your interest in the Hanover County Online School. Our school provides the same high quality instruction as in all HCPS schools. While instruction is provided in an online environment, at the heart of our school are the daily interactions between teachers and students. While students spend some time each day or block working away from the computer, they are expected to attend live, daily instruction and to interact with their teachers and classmates. It is imperative for students and families to recognize that students cannot be successful in HCOS without regular daily attendance and participation.
The application process for HCOS will remain open through February 1, 2024. Completed applications should be completed and submitted via the 2024-25 Online School Application Form. If you require a paper copy, you can make this request by calling (804) 365-8069 or by emailing [email protected]. If you have questions about the application or process, please contact a member of the HCOS Leadership Team.
Formation of classes and courses within HCOS is dependent upon adequate enrollment and available funding as determined through the budget process.
Current HCOS students must reapply if they wish to attend in 2024–2025.
Want to hear more about our school? Watch our quick video!
Please review all of this information carefully to ensure that the Online School is a good instructional fit for your child and your family.
A Successful Online Learner
While the characteristics of a successful online learner will, of course, vary somewhat depending on the student, the following are characteristics that we have found will typically contribute to the success of a student in an online setting. Students and families are encouraged to closely consider these characteristics to determine if the online setting is a good fit.
Characteristics of the Learner
- Can stay focused in an online classroom for at least 30 uninterrupted minutes.
- Can set aside distractions in the home (ie. toys, pets, phones, siblings) to focus on Online School classes and tasks.
Comfortable being on camera and interacting with the teacher and classmates in an online setting. (Please note that camera use is mandatory for much of the day in all settings.)
Attends school regularly. (Please note that all HCPS attendance policies are in effect in Online School.)
- Asks for help when needed with social/emotional concerns.
- Can self-advocate and troubleshoot to get instructional and technological needs met.
- Self-motivated, manages time, monitors work completion and adheres to a daily schedule.
- Completes and turns in assignments on time.
- Comfortable using online tools to learn and communicate (ie. Schoology, Google, Zoom).
- Successful in Online School in previous years (if applicable).
- Demonstrates academic integrity and appropriate online behavior as a part of a learning community.
Characteristics of the Learner’s Environment
- A safe, dedicated learning location free of most distractions including noise and other people.
- Students must be able to remain in one location throughout the school day. Students should not be expected to accompany adults to other locations throughout the school day.
- Organized and designed for learning.
Consistent, reliable access to high-speed internet. A limited number of division-supported wifi devices will be available for families without home access.
- Earbuds or headphones are available (with a microphone, if possible).
Characteristics of Learning Coaches for Older Students
- Frequently monitors for promptness and consistent attendance.
- Monitors for work completion.
- Frequently monitors the student’s work location for distractions.
- Supports the student with social/emotional needs.
- Supports the student in accessing assistance when needed for academic, social, or emotional concerns.
- Feels comfortable accessing platforms such as PowerSchool and Schoology, or is willing to attend sessions to learn how to utilize these platforms.
- Is available to pick up instructional materials at various school locations throughout the school year.
Semester vs. Year Commitment
Submitting an application to HCOS indicates a request and commitment on the part of the student and parent/guardian to remain in HCOS for the entire 2024–2025 school year.
Online School Day: Synchronous vs. Asynchronous Instruction
At the heart of our school are the daily interactions between teachers and students. While students spend some time each day working asynchronously away from the computer, they are expected to attend synchronous, daily instruction, and to interact with their teachers and classmates.
- Synchronous Instruction: Using Zoom and Schoology, students will be learning in a class together with a live teacher. Students are expected to attend all scheduled classes and to interact with their teachers and classmates. Camera use is an expectation in all classes.
- Asynchronous Instruction: Students will access learning activities via Schoology that have been planned and developed by their teachers. Students will engage in these activities away from the camera and will require learning coach supervision and support appropriate to their ages and developmental levels.
The online schedule will closely align with the face-to-face school day. At the middle and high school levels, the Online School will operate on an alternating A/B day schedule, and the bell schedules will be very similar to those of face-to-face schools. The class blocks will include both synchronous and asynchronous instruction.
The Online School will operate on the same school calendar as the rest of the schools in the division. This includes adjustments due to inclement weather.
Extracurricular Activities

Online School students may participate in sports and other extracurricular activities offered at their zoned schools.
The Online School will strive to offer clubs and other activities for online students, but it should not be anticipated that they will replicate those offered at face-to-face schools.
Attendance Procedures and Policies
Online School students will follow the same
attendance requirements as students at face-to-face schools. Attendance throughout the day (elementary) and each block (middle/high) will be documented by the teacher in a variety of ways including visual confirmation via camera, verbally, and/or work completion. Students are expected to promptly log-in to classes and remain engaged throughout the class period/school day. Students are expected to attend all virtual instruction sessions. Student attendance will be marked in PowerSchool. Secondary attendance is taken by block. Elementary attendance is taken daily. Students must be present for more than 50% of their virtual block or day to be counted as “present” in PowerSchool. A pattern of absences or tardies will result in the student being returned to face-to-face school.
Should division-wide technology or connectivity issues occur, students will not be marked as absent. Absences related to individual technology issues in the home will only be marked excused with parent/guardian confirmation. Otherwise, it will result in an unexcused absence. Should individual technology issues in the home lead to accumulated absences (excused or unexcused), the student will be returned to face-to-face school.
HCPS curriculum is utilized in the Online School for all grade levels and courses.
Assessment and Grading
Online School students will be assessed and graded according to
HCPS Policy and Regulation requirements.
Throughout the school year, the faculty and staff will work to incorporate formal and informal assessment methods suited to the online environment.
PowerSchool will continue to be our gradebook of record. All grades that are posted in PowerSchool can be viewed by parents. Parents cannot see the Schoology gradebook though their log in.
Standardized Testing
Online School students will be required to take the same standardized tests as all other HCPS students. Students will be required to travel to a face-to-face location with their Chromebook at various times throughout the year to take these assessments with transportation being the responsibility of the parent/guardian or student themself.
Special Services
Eligible students with disabilities will receive services and/or accommodations through their Individualized Education Program (IEPs) or 504 plans. The student’s team may need to meet to discuss needs specific to online learning.
English Learner students will receive appropriate support services depending upon their level of language acquisition and specific identified needs.
We strive to accommodate each student’s elective requests; however, minimum course enrollment must be met in order for an elective course to be offered. For secondary students, not all elective options will be available as they are in the face-to-face setting. Students may be enrolled into alternate choices, even those that they did not request. Students may also be enrolled into courses through Virtual Virginia, which is typically more asynchronous in nature. This means students will be completing the course more independently. By submitting the application, you agree to accept the best schedule option we can provide.
After careful review of this information, additional questions regarding the Online School may be forwarded to
the Hanover County Online School leadership team.
How to Enroll
Completed applications should be completed and submitted via this Google Form. If you require a paper copy, you can make this request by calling (804) 365-8069 or by emailing us. If you have questions about the application or process, please contact a member of the HCOS Leadership Team.
Formation of classes and courses within HCOS is dependent upon adequate enrollment.
Current HCOS students must reapply if they wish to attend in 2024–2025.