The Virginia Board of Education recently named five Hanover schools as recipients of the 2019 Board of Education Continuous Improvement Award as part of its new Exemplar Performance School Awards program. The schools include:
- Cold Harbor Elementary School
- Elmont Elementary School
- Henry Clay Elementary School
- Pole Green Elementary School
- South Anna Elementary School
The award recognizes schools that achieved a state accreditation rating of accredited or accredited with conditions and met at least one of the following benchmarks for improved performance on accreditation-related school quality indicators:
- A cumulative 10-point increase over three years in the combined rates for reading and mathematics and in the pass rate for science, with improvement each year on each indicator;
- A cumulative 10-point increase over three years in the combined rates for reading and mathematics for two or more student groups, with improvement each year for each group on both indicators;
- A cumulative 15-percent decrease in the chronic absenteeism rate over three years, with a decrease each year; or,
- For schools with a graduating class, a cumulative four-point increase in the graduation and completion index over three years, with an increase each year, and a cumulative 15-percent decrease in the dropout rate, with a decrease each year.
This new recognition program aligns with the Virginia Board of Education’s newly revised standards of accreditation and replaces that Virginia index of performance awards program.