2024-25 PowerSchool Verification Forms

How to Complete Your Student’s Required Forms Online
Posted on 08/01/2024
HCPS LogoWhat to Know:

- The required back-to-school verification forms are available and ready to be completed online via the PowerSchool ParentPortal.
- While the deadline to complete the forms is Friday, September 13, we strongly recommend that you complete them prior to your student’s fee night or open house.
- Contact your school registrar with any additional questions or if you need assistance.

All HCPS back-to-school messages can be found on the HCPS website.

Full Message/Details:

Dear Families,

We hope you have had a great week. We are writing today regarding the process for completing the required back-to-school forms for your students.

Once again this school year, completing our required verification forms, such as the Code of Student Conduct agreement and permission to photograph your students, is available entirely online. You can access, complete, and submit the Student Information Verification Form via the PowerSchool Parent Portal.

Below are the steps to complete the required forms:

1) Log in to the PowerSchool Parent Portal
2) Select the student you wish to complete a form for along the top
3) Please note that these forms must be completed for each student.
4) Select the Student Information Verification Form Icon on the left side
5) Agree to the terms and conditions
6) Select Begin Forms

While the deadline to submit the forms is Friday, September 13, if possible, please complete the forms prior to attending your student’s fee event or back-to-school open house.

If you have any questions, including regarding login information for the PowerSchool Parent Portal, please contact your school registrar.

We look forward to seeing our students back in school soon and appreciate your assistance with these required forms. Thank you.

Hanover County Public Schools
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