Federal Programs

Federal programs provide grant funding streams that supplement local efforts to educate
children from preschool through high school in Hanover County. These grants focus on
supplemental instruction programs (Title I), teacher professional development (Title II),
working with students who are learning English (Title III), educating preschoolers who are
at risk for starting school behind their peers (Hanover Preschool Initiative), and Native
American culturally related activities (Indian Formula Grant).

Title I

Title I schools receive supplemental funding through Title I Part A of the Elementary and
Secondary Education Act. Title I schools:Ashland Elementary School, Cold Harbor
Elementary School, Elmont Elementary School, Laurel Meadow Elementary School, and
Mechanicsville Elementary School.

Funds are allocated to each state, and states, in turn, allocate funds to local school systems based on the percentage of low-income families. Title I funds are in addition to operating funds and are supplemental.

Laughing student

Family Engagement

Family engagement provides opportunities for parents to gain a greater insight into the educational, social, and emotional needs of the maturing child through meetings, conferences, and workshops. Family engagement leads to participation and involvement in school related activities. The division’s Title I, Part A Parent Involvement Policy.

Students in Foster Care

Virginia revised its joint guidance in 2017 to implement the provisions of the Fostering
Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008 and the Title I, Part A
provisions in the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (ESSA) to ensure school stability for
students in foster care.

Both acts mandate educational stability for children in out-of-home care and require child
welfare agencies (i.e., Department of Social Services, licensed child-placing agencies, etc.) to coordinate with local educational agencies (school divisions) to ensure educational
stability for every child in foster care.

Submit your questions via this portal.

Contact: Carrie Cicuto, Coordinator of Federal Programs
Foster Care Liaison: James Carrigan - (804) 723-2123

Teacher helping student with classwork

Title II - Professional Development

Title II Program for Hanover County Public Schools provides support for professional
learning activities. All schools receive support for professional learning for teachers through professional conferences and workshops, instructional resources, consultants who provide subject area expertise, and connections to professional organizations. This source of funding allows our division to more fully support the mission and vision of HCPS.

Through collaborative decision making and identification of instructional areas of focus, Title II funding allows our division to target specific opportunities for teacher learning. 
Through continued growth teachers are better equipped to focus on personal and division areas of focus as they make improvements to instructional practice. Ultimately, Title II allows our teachers to become better equipped to create high quality learning environments to meet the needs of our students.

Contact: Dr. Stephen Castle, Director of Professional Learning and Leadership Development

Title III - English Learners

he Title III Federal Program provides supplemental services to support learners who need
intensive instruction to develop English proficiency through individual and small group
instruction. Program funding supports tutoring; professional development for teachers;
consultants; family involvement activities; and instructional materials.

Contact: Allison Silva, Curriculum Specialist for Language Instruction Educational Program
(LIEP) and Title III Coordinator or Dr. Cheri Beth Fisher, Director of Curriculum and

Title IV

Title IV, Part A, funds are intended to improve students’ academic achievement by
increasing the capacity of states, school divisions, and local communities to: provide all
students with access to a well-rounded education; improve school conditions for student
learning; and improve the use of technology in order to improve the academic achievement
and digital literacy of all students.

Contact: Carrie Cicuto, Coordinator of Federal Programs

Indian Formula Grant

This federal grant is designed to address the cultural, language, and educationally-related
academic needs of American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) students.

Contact: Carrie Cicuto, Coordinator of Federal Programs

Hanover Preschool

Hanover Preschool offers early childhood development education opportunities to three and
four year old children who meet eligibility requirements. The Hanover Preschool experience
promotes a child's school readiness skills and social competencies through attention to
health (medical, dental, and mental), education, family support, community collaboration,
and parental involvement.

Hanover Preschool is funded through Head Start grant funds, the Virginia Preschool
Initiative grant funds, and local funds. For more information, please visit the Hanover
Preschool page.

Contact: Elizabeth Verlander, Coordinator of Preschool Programs

For Questions or Assistance

Family Engagement and Welcome Center: (804) 365-4618
Hanover Preschool: (804) 365-4618


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