Digital Citizenship

Digital Citizens logoDigital citizenship is an integral part of a blended learning environment. Just as students need to be taught how to be safe and contribute positively to their community, they also need to be taught the same for a digital learning environment. Hanover County Public Schools utilizes digital citizenship curriculum from a trusted source, Common Sense Education, to ensure students are acquiring the skills and strategies they need to interact safely and effectively in their digital world.

K–12 Digital Citizenship Curriculum

In addition to the curriculum below, all students complete a technology onboarding lesson at the beginning of the school year. These lessons are written in student-friendly language that highlight topics related to technology in the Student Code of Conduct and the HCPS Acceptable Use Policy. All users of the Hanover Academic Network, including students, need to understand and are expected to follow the HCPS Acceptable Use Policy.

Grades 3–5:

  • Students in grades 3–5 are introduced to topics that include:
    • Acceptable use of HCPS technology
    • Digital sharing and privacy
    • Digital communication with digital citizenship
  • Lessons in elementary school are taught by the classroom teacher, librarian, school counselor, ITRT, and/or resource officer.

Grades 6–9:

  • Students in grades 6–9 are introduced to topics that include:
    • Cyberbullying and digital drama
    • Privacy, security, and your digital footprint
    • Relationships, communication, and reputation 
  • Lessons in grades 6–9 are typically taught through Health & PE classes. 

Parent Resources

Common Sense Media has valuable resources to help parents better understand how to help their students learn best in a digital environment. These resources come in the form of articles, videos, and lists of frequently asked questions.

The Digital Age Parenting page linked in the Parents and Students section of this website has additional resources on specific topics related to relevant information on current digital age parenting.


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