Parents are often the first to know when their baby needs a helping hand...
The first three years of your baby's life are very important. Infants and toddlers are learning to walk, talk, recognize people, and do many other things. Parents are often the first to notice when their child is not learning or growing like other babies. We are here to help. The Infant and Toddler Connection of Hanover (ITCH) delivers child-centered and family-focused services to children from birth through age three with developmental needs.
Our Services
The services we offer through this program include:
- Family training
- Home visits
- Speech and language therapy
- Audiology referral
- Ophthalmology referral
- Occupational and physical therapy
- Vision services
- Hearing services
- Developmental services
- Service Coordination
We Can Help
Developmental Specialist—Works with young children identified with delays or disabilities and their families. The early childhood special educator looks at the whole child. Educators coach and support the family as well as other service providers by reinforcing and teaching skills and concepts within the family’s daily routine and environment.
Occupational Therapist—Works with families to develop programs for children from birth to three years of age to improve their ability to perform daily activities. These activities may include eating, drinking, dressing, moving, or playing. The occupational therapist may help improve the motor skills, attention, or sensory processing skills needed to perform these activities.
Physical Therapist—Works with families to develop programs for children birth to three years of age who have difficulty attaining skills such as sitting, crawling, and walking. The physical therapist coaches families to help their child develop skills related to the ability to move.
Service Coordinator—A service coordinator is assigned to each family. The service coordinator assists the family in securing and coordinating needed services.
Speech and Language Therapist—Works with families to develop programs for children birth to three years of age to improve their communication skills. Some children may have difficulty with understanding language while others may have difficulty making their wants and needs known. The therapist will coach the family to enhance the child’s language development throughout the day.
Teacher for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing—Works with young children identified with hearing loss and their families. Once a child has been identified as having either a hearing loss or a suspected hearing loss, this service provider explains the hearing loss and informs and guides the family of the communication and amplification options. This service provider coaches families to help them become skilled in promoting language skills for their child.
Teacher for the Blind of Visually Impaired—Works with young children identified with vision impairments and their families. This service provider coaches the family and provides strategies to help maximize residual vision through play and movement.
Bobbi Silverstein
Part C Coordinator/System System Manager
Pole Green Elementary School
8993 Pole Green Park Lane
Mechanicsville, VA 23116
Phone: (804) 365-3330
Fax: (804) 365-3332
You can also make a referral online.