Boundary Adjustment Process Update: Jan. 16, 2025
Quick Facts
- At Tuesday night’s School Board meeting, MGT, the third-party vendor who is leading the boundary adjustment process, presented a comprehensive update to the Board, outlining the data and factors that have informed the development of boundary adjustment options.
- The next step in this process is community engagement meetings at which MGT will share the draft boundary adjustment options and receive your input.
- Specific information about the meetings is below.
Full Message/Details
Dear Families, Faculty, and Staff,
We hope you are well. We are writing to share with you an update regarding the boundary evaluation and adjustment process.
As a reminder, HCPS is currently undergoing
a school boundary line evaluation and adjustment process to address student enrollment and capacity across schools in HCPS. This process will help to ensure that we continue to serve our students in facilities that are used in the most effective and efficient way possible.
At Tuesday night’s School Board meeting, MGT, the third-party vendor who is leading this process, presented a comprehensive update to the Board, outlining the data and factors that have informed the development of boundary adjustment options. This includes current enrollment and enrollment forecasts for the next 10 years, which show growth in the central area of our county. The presentation to the School Board can be found
on BoardDocs and a recording of the presentation can be found
on YouTube.
The next step in this process is community engagement meetings at which MGT will share the draft boundary adjustment options and receive your input. These meetings will allow for MGT to provide additional context regarding the options, walk you through each iteration, and receive your input, which will be shared with the School Board.
Specifically, MGT will host three in-person meetings, which will be held as follows:
- Monday, January 27 at 7 p.m. at Atlee High School (auditorium)
- Tuesday, January 28 at 7 p.m. at Patrick Henry High School (auditorium)
- Wednesday, January 29 at 7 p.m. at Mechanicsville High School (commons)
On Thursday, January 30, the proposed boundary options, a recording of the presentation made at the in-person meetings, the presentation from the meetings, and a link to provide input will be made available on our dedicated boundary adjustment process webpage and shared with you directly. This will allow you to access this important information as often as needed, as well as provide you with necessary context to better understand the process and options presented prior to sharing your input.
We continue to recommend that you check the webpage for more information about this important process.
Thank you.
Hanover County Public Schools