Library Book Access Agreement

Reminder: New Library Book Access Agreement for 2024-25 School Year
Posted on 07/31/2024
HCPS LogoWhat to Know:

1) A new form allows families to indicate their preference regarding their student’s access to library books and materials.
2) There are four options to choose from when completing the form, which will be in the “Agreements” section of your verification forms.
3) The options regarding library access will be in your back-to-school verification forms, which are scheduled to be available in PowerSchool in the coming week.

All HCPS back-to-school messages can be found on the HCPS website.

Full Message/Details:

Dear Families,

We hope your week is off to a great start. We are writing today to remind you of a new form that will be included as part of the back-to-school process this year.

As we shared with you in May, as a result of the Hanover County School Board’s discussions and decisions regarding School Board Policy 6-5.2 (library materials), a new form has been created in recognition of the important partnership between families and staff in providing for the educational needs of students.

The options below will be included in your required verification forms, which are scheduled to be sent in the coming week. We wanted to be sure to remind you of its inclusion since this is the first year of the new form, which allows families to indicate their preference regarding their student’s access to library materials. Specifically, families will be able to choose one of the following options:

Option 1: My child may check out any materials from HCPS libraries (default option).
Option 2: I would like to discuss options for placing limits with the librarian and/or classroom teacher. Please contact me.
Option 3: My child may not check out any materials until I have reviewed the title. I understand that the librarian/classroom teacher will hold materials and send an email to the contact information on file to gain my approval.
Option 4: My child may not check out any materials from the library. I will support access to necessary reading and research materials outside of the school libraries.

Again, this will be included in the forms, which will be available soon, that you can access, complete, and submit in PowerSchool. Please note that this selection and others, such as the Code of Student Conduct agreement and authorization to photograph your student(s), will be in the “Agreements” section of your verification forms.

If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected].

Thank you for your continued support and partnership.

Hanover County Public Schools
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